Caregiver Leadership: Qualities in a Leader in Assisted Living Facilities

When a care team member exemplifies leadership skills, the care of the residents is held to a higher standard. Teams and residents thrive with a compassionate, productive, commutative leader to guide them in care. However, not every caregiver holds a certain “title”. All caregivers have the potential to become the types of leaders that residents need. 

With proper training, every care team member can exemplify leadership qualities. That is why ETE offers leadership training to teams on how to foster relationships among teams, engage teams to work together and support one another, develop time management skills, and more.

Research has shown that applying a stronger focus on leadership in assisted living facilities added value to care teams and to resident care. 1

Qualities of an effective caregiver:

  • Compassion: Leaders have compassion for both residents and other members of their care team. Finding aspects that bring joy to residents or getting to know them creates a welcoming environment where they feel valued and cared for. Checking in with other members of a care team fosters productive relationships and assists in avoiding burnout.  
  • Adaptability: Life is unpredictable and there are times when people have to be willing to adapt to their environment. Leaders have the ability to thrive in their environment no matter the circumstances. They can adapt to residents’ needs and productively lead their team to avoid team breakdown
  • Willingness to learn: There are always steps teams can take to improve their care. Leaders can recognize this and are willing to educate themselves on how to improve. ETE offers several training sessions to improve care teams through education. Learning is the first step to quality care.  
  • Patience: Leaders will know that change is not an overnight process. It takes time to adjust and to learn. Patience is required for both interactions with residents and with care teams.

Leadership in assisted living facilities is an important aspect that provides residents with the best care. Learn how to be a leader through ETE’s training program and gain the skills needed for residents to thrive. 

Equipping your care team with the knowledge and skills is the cornerstone of safer care. Our free monthly training session, held on the first Tuesday of every month, provides your team with the tools and confidence to help optimize resident well-being within your community.

Each session covers critical topics like medication, compliance, safety, and best practices—while empowering your team to ask questions and solve problems.

Don’t miss this opportunity to help support your residents’ safety and equip your care team with the knowledge and confidence to provide exceptional care. Sign up for our next training today!


  1. Zonneveld N, Pittens C, Minkman M. Appropriate leadership in nursing home care: a narrative review. Leadersh Health Serv (Bradf Engl). 2021 Mar 22;ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print):16–36. doi: 10.1108/LHS-04-2020-0012. PMID: 33738993; PMCID: PMC8317028.


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