female nurse administering medication to older man in care facility and discussing prevention strategies

Routes of Medication Administration: Strategies to Prevent Medication Discrepancies

Unfortunately, medication errors are common in care communities. It only takes one misread of the label or mishandling of medication to cause irreparable damage to a resident. Care teams need to take trained steps and precautions when administering medication to residents. Training and education can be life-saving measures in care communities.

Prior research has shown that 7,000- 9,000 die every year in the United States as a result of medication errors. , patients experience medication errors without reporting them.1

Common Mistakes When Handling Medication

Several mistakes can occur when handling medication. While mistakes happen to everyone, some mistakes are detrimental and cause more harm than others. Knowing the common mistakes made when handling medications is the first step to ensuring care teams are making a conscious effort to minimize errors.

  • Providing incorrect dosage – Incorrect dosage occurs when a resident is given too much of their medication or too little of their medication. This can be harmful to residents as receiving too little of their medication will not support their condition, while giving them too much can cause a negative reaction. Both cases need to be treated immediately to ensure the resident is taken care of. 
  • Confusing medications with similar names – It is not uncommon for different medications to have similar names even if they are not prescribed to treat similar conditions. If a care team member misreads the prescription, they might give the resident a medication that does not treat the patient’s symptoms. Some medications can cause dangerous outcomes if they are given to someone who does not have the ailment.
  • Giving incorrect medication to incorrect patient – Properly labeling and distributing medication is important. If someone accidentally puts a patient’s name on a prescription meant for another patient, both patients could be in danger. Taking time and productively labeling medication can

Strategies to prevent medication discrepancies

A care team must take the initiative to drive their care forward. Acknowledging errors and making amends with proper training help guide them to that motivated, faultless place where care facilities succeed in resident care.

Equipping your care team with the knowledge and skills is the cornerstone of safer care. Our free monthly training session, held on the first Tuesday of every month, provides your team with the tools and confidence to help optimize resident well-being within your community.

Each session covers critical topics like medication, compliance, safety, and best practices—while empowering your team to ask questions and solve problems.

Don’t miss this opportunity to help support your residents’ safety and equip your care team with the knowledge and confidence to provide exceptional care. Sign up for our next training or call (512) 923-1045 to learn about our medication management program today!


  1. Tariq RA, Vashisht R, Sinha A, et al. Medication Dispensing Errors and Prevention. [Updated 2023 May 2]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2024 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK519065/


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