woman laughing with resident care facility nurse displaying leadership

Leaders: Becoming Dynamic Part of Resident Care

While it is known that leaders create better and safer teams to assist residents productively, leaders also have an obligation to attend to residents’ needs. In care facilities, it is common for residents to feel lonely or stressed. After all, they are in a new environment. Caretakers with solid leadership skills have the ability to make the transition and stay at care facilities easier.

Research on mental health in care environments found that a majority of nursing staff have little to no training or education on the social needs of residents in assisted living facilities.1

Common difficulties seen in residents of care facilities

  • Isolation: When residents make the transition to assisted care facilities, there is often a period of isolation. Residents are making a significant adjustment in their lives. They may not live as close to family and friends as they once did and daily activities may change. Loneliness can stem from their isolation and alter the mental health of the resident.
  • Fear: Coming to new places with new people can be a challenge for anyone. It is no different for residents. They are not only meeting other residents but care team members as well. Routine changes are an adjustment as well as surroundings. All this newness can cause anxiety. Therefore, a level of trust needs to be built between care team members and residents to ensure comfort is brought to alleviate these fears. Emotional intelligence is an excellent place to start.
  • Communication: Sometimes, it is difficult to advocate for yourself, especially in front of new people. Residents often struggle to communicate their wants and needs. They struggle even more with accepting the fact that they need assistance. Without proper communication, residents may suffer in silence.

Easing struggles with leadership:

Equipping your care team with the knowledge and skills is the cornerstone of safer care. Our free monthly training session, held on the first Tuesday of every month, provides your team with the tools and confidence to help optimize resident well-being within your community.
Each session covers critical topics like medication, compliance, safety, and best practices—while empowering your team to ask questions and solve problems.
Don’t miss this opportunity to help support your residents’ safety and equip your care team with the knowledge and confidence to provide exceptional care. Sign up for our next training today!


  1. Morgan, L. A., Perez, R., Frankowski, A. C., Nemec, M., & Bennett, C. R. (2016). Mental Illness in Assisted Living: Challenges for Quality of Life and Care. Journal of housing for the elderly, 30(2), 185–198. https://doi.org/10.1080/02763893.2016.1162255


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