A Better Way to educate Your Team

ASSISTED LIVING team training

"A Leader With Impeccable Integrity.​"

Stephanie is a highly motivated, high energy, creative, and competent clinical leader. She has excellent interpersonal skills and is a loyal team member!

–Brad Stebbins
President, Gordon Jordan Healthcare Management

Assisted Living Team Training That Works

Engaging your team to deliver exceptional care to residents.

We believe in empowering your team to be confident to ask questions, find answer, and solve problems. In the end, this frees up nurses and directors to focus on leading instead of doing. Additionally, a confident and knowledgeable team creates a great experience for residents and their families. In fact, our training helps team members respect and honor residents’ independence in a least restrictive environment.

— Beyond State Requirements

Engagement Through Education programs are designed to help you meet your state requirements for education and training. However, with ETE, you’ll be able to do so much more than just “check a box.” Our trainers truly care about the outcomes of your community. Whichever training program you choose, ETE will make sure you get the best learning experience possible.

— Courses Offered

We help your teams communicate better together. Also, we teach them to understand physical and mental challenges that may come up in their work. Most importantly, we help your people to know how critical their work is to residents. Want training on a topic you don’t see here? Reach out to us for a free consultation about how our custom training can help your community.

— Online or In-Person Training Available

We can help your team with staff orientation, onboarding, patient care training, conflict resolution, and more. In fact, our assisted living staff training has helped hundreds of communities all over the country. Check out some of these available topics or contact us for your own individualized course.

Build strong teams, support your leaders, and also enhance resident care.  Contact us today and give your direct care team the training they need to be their best.

Impact Stories

A Brilliant, Hard-working Leader

Working with Stephanie was one of the highlights of my previous position. She is a leader; brilliant, hard-working, thinks outside of the box, and executes all of this while being a kind human being at the same time.

–Sally Ford
Process Improvement Specialist, Superior Health Plan

A Passionate Leader, Manager and Caregiver

Stephanie does a marvelous job of managing her patients. She is capable of managing a large caseload while demonstrating excellent patient care and communication with family and facility staff. Stephanie is diligent and dedicated. Her passion for end of life care is obvious. Thank you Stephanie for demonstrating excellence in all aspects of patient care as well as professional boundaries.

–Bryan Walker 
Principal and Consultant, Palliative Care Consulting

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